Surgery Part II

Katie’s surgery went well, but what was initially planned as a single, outpatient surgery has turned into a 2-surgery, 3-day stay in the hospital. 

Following Katie’s initial surgery, the big news is that her sentinel lymph nodes all tested negative - this is great news! (and means they didn't have to remove all of her lymph nodes) We actually won't know the pCR results until at least a week from surgery when the pathology report comes back.

Katie decided to stay the first night due to pain and dizziness. While we want her home ASAP, we are so thankful she listened to her body and stayed the night, as she had another syncope episode and passed out. Thankfully her nurse was with her and caught her! 

The next morning, we found out Katie needed to go back under and have a second surgery. Needless to say we were all pretty worried. We didn’t even know this was a possibility. (One bright spot is upon finding out about the second surgery, Katie somehow managed to convince them to let my mom stay with her in the hospital!) 

We aren’t sure what ultimately caused the second surgery, but they essentially had to go back in to stop a bleed. Thankfully, the second surgery went well and they were able to identify and fix the problem. Her surgeons and care team have said the wounds are healing well and looking much better now. 

Katie is still in the hospital and having a tough time in recovery. Taking a deep breath is painful and walking is a challenge due to the dizziness and double vision. Her hemoglobin is low, but they’re trying to increase it without a blood transfusion. She is getting a little bit better and stronger each day though. She is drinking bone broth, eating vegan cookies, and trying to avoid the hospital food as much as possible. (Apparently it’s pretty terrible...)

We are so thankful Nate has been able to spend time with her and momma Mary is now able to stay with her in the hospital. (Apparently they tried to kick her out tonight but mom and Katie convinced them otherwise, cue happy dance!) 

Keep those good vibes coming, y’all! We’re hoping we get to take Katie home tomorrow!


A Note from Nate


Surgery Day